Thursday, October 24, 2013

Five Easy Steps to Finding a New Job

review and lifestyle blog scratch 'n' stef @meischase
We've all heard it or said it a million times, "I need a new job." First of all, take a step back and be grateful you're employed. Find the positive in what you do. If it's more money you need, refer to THIS. But if you simply must find something new and you're for real, like really for real, here are the Five Easy Steps to Finding a New Job:

1.) Make Yourself Available. It's vital in the new digital world. It sounds so simple; yet, so many skip this crucial step. Your resume doesn't need to be perfect. You don't need to spend any money. What you need to do is this:
That's it. That's step one. You're done. If you're lucky, a recruiter will contact you and help you through subsequent steps. But that's unlikely, so stay tuned for Step Two.

@meischase scratch 'n' stef2.) Contact a recruiter
3.) Apply to jobs, even jobs you don't want
4.) Interview for anything and everything
5.) ASK your friends

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