Thursday, October 3, 2013

Jury Duty
jury duty fun
Jurors love HGTV, too
Most people dread being called to jury duty, but I was looking forward to it! I've been an avid Dateline NBC viewer since I could crawl. I was called to jury duty on Wednesday, October 2nd at the Maricopa County Superior Court in Phoenix. I thought I was in heaven when I arrived -- HGTV playing on screens throughout the waiting room! Is this heaven, or what?! But then things got serious as the employees prepared us for what would happen that day.

Jury Duty in the USA
Maricopa County Superior Court
I couldn't believe it, I was juror #1 in the first group of 45 people called in. We made our way into the courtroom where Judge Brain was presiding. I can think of worse names. A series of questions were rattled off and I heard some crazy and strange responses from the other potential jurors; for example, "I can't be a juror because I have clinical depression, and my husband used to beat me," or "I'm going hunting tomorrow with my buddies," and "I work." The only question I answered was in response to my schedule for the remainder of the week since the trial would take a few days. My flight to Indiana the next day was the only thing that stood in the way of my juror duties. Alas, I was dismissed. Maybe next time I'll have the opportunity to sit in on a Jodi Arias-like case. 

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