Thursday, December 12, 2013

Identity Theft Sucks: Protect Yourself, People

review and lifestyle blog scratchnstefIdentity theft sucks. About two years ago, someone in SoCal (that's short for Southern California) bought $190 worth of flowers on with MY MONEY. This same individual, or a cohort, then purchased over $400 worth of groceries. I called +JPMorgan Chase and a local credit union to dispute these charges.

lifelock coupon"Um, Hi, I didn't make these purchases. I'm not romantic. Ask my wife. And duh, I'm too poor to shop at Safeway."

The evidence that it wasn't me was overwhelming. An open-and-shut case, right? Not so fast. I had to call the police, file a police report, file separate paperwork for each individual transaction (there were over ten). After nearly $1,000 was stolen from my debit and credit card, I was beyond frustrated. I closed all of my accounts and opened new ones.

Save yourself the headache. #LiveFree. Protect yourself. LifeLock is offering free identity protection for one month. Click here to find out more.

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