Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rice Krispy Remix

Yes, the last post was about fitness, and now here's a post about undoing all the work you've just done. It's OK, sometimes you need to live a little. Who knew such a small change could make a BIG taste difference to the oft-made Rice Krispies? Not me. I had seen a few different recipes on +Pinterest and decided to give these a try.
Rice Krispy treats with a twist

Browned Butter Rice Krisy Treats. The big difference is cooking the butter until it's a light golden brown color. It gives the treats a slight carmel flavor. Another change is adding a pinch of coarse salt to the butter/mallow mix. I also reduce the amount of cereal just a little so the squares are chewier. I followed the recipe here on another blog. But my recommendation is below.

8 TBSP salted butter
1-10 oz. bag mini marshmallows
4-1/2 c. Rice Crispy Cereal
Pinch Kosher Salt

In a large saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Continue to stir until butter is bubbling and a golden brown color. Add the marshmallows into the pan and melt until mixture is smooth. Add in the pinch of salt, stir. Then add in the cereal and stir until throughly coated. Spread mix into greased 9x13 cake pan. Allow to cool, then cut into squares. (I like to enjoy them while they are still a little warm!)

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