Saturday, August 31, 2013

Why You Should Watch MTV's Teen Wolf

Review and lifestyle blog
Attention adults, it's OK to watch MTV. It's even OK to admit that you enjoy it. Yes, Miley twerked her way into infamy during the Video Music Awards. And yes, Jersey Shore was a complete waste of time. And absolutley yes, there is at least one fantastic, adolescent program worth watching: Teen Wolf.

The story line isn't fantastic. The acting isn't great. The special effects leave you shaking your head.
The high-school drama is often annoying. So why should you watch? I can give you at least five excellent reasons:
  1. It feels more mature than Twilight (for real, click on this link and puke with me)
  2. It will annoy your rational, no-fun spouse
  3. It will fill your need for the Supernatural
  4. There's nothing better to watch on Monday nights (returns January 6th)
  5. It makes you feel young and silly again
BONUS REASONS SIX AND SEVEN: My favorite character, Stiles, doesn't even have any supernatural powers. Oh, and The Teen Wolf mysteries are not easy to solve ... seriously, I'm not joking. More importantly, I am not ashamed to admit that I watch Teen Wolf, and I love it. ROAR!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Dining Room DIY
Apartment living. Oh, the joy! It's hard to get settled into a place when you know it's going to be temporary. Being newlyweds, Scratch and I wanted to make our apartment feel like home without investing a ton of money. So off we went to thrift shops to find some unique items to furnish our new home.

before and after, DIY, chairsWe found a dining table right away at a place called MacAlpine's Soda Fountain. Here you can get lunch and shop for antiques! Strange combo, right? What started out as a $400 dining set, turned into a $100 table. The next obstacle would not be as easy, finding chairs. Don't judge a book by it's cover when antiquing, you never know what has potential under the rough exterior. That's the case for the chairs we found. All four iron chairs were purchased for a "steel" of $80. Not bad!

wall plates, dining table, dining chairs, DIY
These chairs definitely needed some TLC as they were kind of rusted and the color of ... metal. We figured out our color scheme, went to Home Depot, Hobby Lobby, and got to work. 1 - Scrub, scrub, scrub. Armed with latex gloves, steel wool, and some elbow grease, we cleaned the iron. 2 - With a damp cloth we washed the dust from the chairs. 3 - One coat of white spray paint primer (Krylon $7). 4 - Two coats of colored spray paint (Krylon $24). 5 - One clear coat (Rust-oleum $4). 6 - Felt bottoms for the feet ($1). 7 - Chair cushions from Amazon ($60).

This is my favorite space in our little home. Pinterest gave us the idea for the plates on the wall ($30) which were purchased from Goodwill. The centerpiece on our table from TJ Maxx is suppose to be a planter, but we use it as a fruit bowl ($15). Total investment: $321.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Best Villain on TV

Review Blog Lifestyle
Let's get one thing straight, the meanest villain currently on TV is Breaking Bad's Walter White (Bryan Cranston). Walt makes for a good villain, but he's no longer likeable. For several seasons, his cancer left a small place for sympathy in the viewer's heart.  No more. Walt is an evil man, willing to murder man, woman, or child to avoid the law, but he's not the best villain, not even close.
Walter White Meanest Villain on TV
Walter White

Who is? For that, we turn to a new series on Showtime: Ray Donovan. Jon Voight's character, Mickey Donovan, is both disgusting and charismatic. Matter of fact, forget about antagonists, he's more charming than any protagonist on TV. Ray Donovan (Liev Schreiber), a man with moral ambiguity only comparable to the likes of Breaking Bad characters, wants to murder his father, Mickey. Micky, by the way, after recently being released from prison, with good intentions, tried to kill the priest that molested his son. Only, he killed the wrong man -- but we love him for it.

Best villain on TV Jon Voight
Ray & Mickey Donovan
Breaking Bad is coming to an end, and Walter White is leaving us, and just in time. We don't like him anymore. Goodbye, adios, so long, Walt. But what's life without someone to hate, well, in a loving way? Mickey Donovan is just the right man for the job, or at least until Frank Gallagher returns in another Showtime hit, Shameless.

WARNING: As with most of Showtime's programs, Ray Donovan is not suitable for children raised outside the hood.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Steps to Clear Skin

Lifestyle review blog
I’ve been a patient at the dermatologist office since the age of 14. I’ve tried all sorts of medications and over the counter products, some worked but most didn’t. I’ve tried both Acne Free and Proactiv, but neither of these three-step systems did the job (I did, however, really like the Proactiv Revitalizing Toner). Both methods seemed to dry my face and it wasn’t healing. The three things that have worked for me: 1) birth control pills, 2) Murad, 3) diet and exercise.

murad acne Aside from the birth control pill, Murad is the only product that has kept my complexion clear. I discovered it through an infomercial (go figure) and decided to give another three-step system a try. I’ve been using Murad religiously for over three years now. I've had some hormonal acne breakouts, which is why I take the pill (well that, and my husband doesn't want kids yet), but overall I’ve been happy with the results. I mostly use the Clarifying Cleanser and the Skin Perfecting Lotion. Both are amazing, but the lotion was the best find for the long haul. It’s nearly impossible to find a good face lotion that isn’t too greasy or heavy, but this does the trick! I do use the Exfoliating Acne Treatment Gel from time to time, and it’s nice to have on hand. Another plus, Murad is available at Sephora, say goodbye to mail-order forever.

acne free clear skin

Obviously, diet and exercise are important for your health, but it can also play a huge role in skin quality. The best thing you can do for your diet is reduce your intake of sugar and cut out fat-ladened foods. I also noticed a BIG correlation with the quality of my skin and my workout schedule. My face seemed to clear more when I was regularly exercising, and I noticed a change for the worse when I stopped. If your complexion is acting up to the point where you MUST resort to medication, I recommend clindamycin pads or azalex cream. Those were my favorite prescriptions for combating acne.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Book Review: The Great Bridge

lifestyle review blog
OK, David McCullough is a great author. His voice emotes national pride and it also helps me sleep at night. After watching a 60-Minutes special about him and learning that he writes all of his books on an old-school typewriter, I decided to check out one of his books: The Great Bridge - The Epic Story of the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge.

I lived in NYC for some time, so this topic really intrigued me. If you can make it past page 200 of
The Great Bridge Book Review
this massive book, you might find some borderline interesting historical facts, maybe even some fun pictures. Sure, John Roebling and his son, Washington, were instrumental in building America’s iconic bridge. And yes, building such a huge piece of architecture that still stands and represents all-things America was an amazing feat, but take my word for it, reading this book does not do the Brooklyn Bridge justice.

Visit New York City. Take a train to Chinatown and eat something scary. I suggest Saigon Bakery. The Big Wing Wong is good, too. Then, walk across the Brooklyn Bridge from Manhattan to Brooklyn. Walk back. The bridge is about one mile in length. The bridge was completed in 1883. Men were submerged in a makeshift type of bottomless submarine as they dug the foundation. Many men died and many more suffered from bends. Sometimes we take things like bridges for granted. Don’t, people, just don’t. Grade: C+

Monday, August 26, 2013

CHIA: Not just the pottery that grows

Review BlogHealthy food was not part of my eating repertoire when I was growing up. Things changed in 2009 when I moved to Phoenix and was living with my sister Danielle. She had a disease that went into remission when she drastically changed her diet, cutting out processed foods and sugars. Since I was living in the same household, I ate the things she prepared and I immediately noticed a difference in the way I felt. I wasn’t constantly tired and lethargic – it was wonderful! 

Not just the pottery that growsSince that time I’ve made little changes to my diet. I started to eat more fruits and vegetables and less mac and cheese. Then there was chia. The first time I tried chia was when Danielle put it in a smoothie. “This is the stuff that goes on the pottery that grows?!” Yes. It’s true. I started researching the benefits and it was enough to keep me buying. Extra fiber, omega-3, protein? Sign me up. Here are some ways you can incorporate chia into your diet: 
1. Put it in a smoothie! 
2. Iskiate. Back to Scratch’s post about “Born to Run.” The people featured in this book concoct a super drink with water, chia seeds, and add a little flavor. Not amazing, but not bad! And, it’s quite filling. Take about 12 oz. of water, add a tablespoon of chia seeds, a squirt of lime or lemon juice, just a touch of honey and stir it up. Let the seeds soak for 10+ minutes. The chia takes on a gelatinous consistency. I like to let it soak overnight (and I omit the honey). 
3. Chia sprouts. Do you like alfalfa? Grow some chia sprout greens of your own! We used the sprouts on salads and sandwiches. They are a great little treat. 
4. Add them to granola. Scratch makes some great homemade granola and throws some chia in along with flax seed. 
5. Add to oatmeal, pancakes, or anything really.

Coscto treatsWe get our chia from Sprouts and buy the Spectrum brand, but I’m sure there are other great brands out there. We’ve also tried this Mamma Chia drink from Whole Foods. Pretty tasty! Kashi makes a Berry Lemonade granola bar that includes chia. We buy these in bulk from Costco. Another great thing about chia seeds is that they have a slight nutty flavor. This makes them extremely versatile to incorporate into different foods. Go get some chia!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

How to Enjoy Running

Born to RunHave you ever read Christopher McDougall’s Born to Run? If not, turn your computer off and make your way directly to the local library. Do not stop at McDonalds on the way. This book will change your life.

For years, I’ve despised running. Exercise, for me, had to include a ball, club, or racket. Now, I look forward to running. I take shorter strides. I run on the balls of my feet (midfoot strike), and I’m fully equipped with all I need: Nike Free 3.0 Version 5 running shoes. Version 5, not version 4.
Running Shoes
Yes, it’s true. Nike is largely to blame for most heel-striking runners, but it is also making barefoot running look less dorky than Vibram (five-finger shoes). I only have one thought when I see a man wearing these glove-like shoes: GROSS. 

Oh, I’m also eating better. Born to Run is a must read. My next challenge, running down a deer! Grade: A

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Clarisonic Review

After close to a year of lusting, saving, and reviewing, I finally did it. I bought a Clarisonic from Macy’s. The reason for the purchase at the said retailer was because I had recently acquired a hefty gift card and thought I could use a Retail-Me-Not deal, but alas, that coupon didn’t work. I went for the purchase anyhow, all $150 worth (plus tax) for the Mia 2.
Clear skin

I brought it home and all Smeagol-like from the Lord of the Rings opened my precious. There are a few reasons why I opted for the Mia 2 version over the base model and the swanky high-end bells and whistles deal. (#1) The two-year warranty. Let’s be real – I’m investing in this gadget and I don’t want it to break on me! I could pay $25 less and be stuck with a dud, so I decided the extra investment was worth the guarantee. (#2) Two speeds. Two is better than one, right? I’m a girl who likes to have options. Plus, it’s a newer model. Usually companies listen to the reviews of the first generation buyers and make improvements. (#3) The Mia 2 was the version my friends raved about.

What I like: Travel case. Cleaner face. T-Timer. Smoother skin. Design. Color options. No cords.

What I don’t like: The price tag. Initial charging time of 24-hours, each consecutive charging time of 12-hours. Buying replacement brushes.

The Result: I like my Clarisonic. I don’t LOVE it. Granted, I have a fairly clear complexion already so I wasn’t looking to rid terrible acne. (I haven’t always been so fortunate – cystic acne is my nemesis. Birth control has worked wonders for my skin!) My skin did get a few small pimples after the first few uses but I almost saw this as a positive thing, since I figured my skin was purging junk that had been stuck under the surface. The “sonic technology?” Meh, I feel like that’s all hype. I don’t see that my pore size has been reduced. If it had, I would rave about this product from the mountain tops!

Overall, I have a peace of mind after I use the tool and know I’m going to bed with a clean face. I’m glad I have it. I know there are cheaper versions on the market and now I think I’d be willing to try those. Before, I was so caught up in the hype of the brand name I thought nothing would compare.

What do you think? Do you own a Clarisonic? Do you like or love it? Are you willing to try a generic brand?