Friday, January 10, 2014

Book Review: The Bedwetter - Stories of Courage, Redemption, and Pee

Book Review +Sarah Silverman,

Thank you. Your stories about courage, redemption, and pee are inspiring. I now know that an overactive digestive system or an enlarged prostate isn't the end of the world. In fact, it's a blessing to pee and other stuff more than normal people. That's why we're skinny. Normal is boring. Your book isn't the greatest piece of literature. It's not steeped in historical urine. It's not exactly traditional -- at all. Here's what it is. It's honest and natural. It's refreshing. It's funny (for about 180 pages).

The Bedwetter: Stories of Courage, Redemption, and Pee is different. Yes, it has things like words, a forward, prologue, epilogue, chapters, and something that almost resembles a plot; but, each of these is written in Sarah's unabashed, unfiltered voice.

WARNING: While entertaining, this book is not for everyone. Mom, Dad, don't read this book. Grade B+

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