Monday, February 24, 2014

Farmer's Market Dinner

Living downtown has its perks, like an impromptu stop at the Farmer's Market on the way home. This one is called Bodega, on the corner of Roosevelt and 5th Street. Open each Tuesday from 3-6 pm. It was a small selection, but we picked up some broccoli, peppers, spinach, and green onions, then headed home to make something out of it.
Bodega Phoenix

Farmer's Market Phoenix

Here's what I put in our Farmer's Market Dinner.

Chicken, cut and sauteed
Peppers, chopped
Zucchini, sliced
Green onion
Garlic Powder
Coconut Oil

Mix all ingredient together and cook over medium heat. Serve and enjoy! The peppers were our favorite part and at 25 cents each, how could you go wrong? Delicious!
fresh produce dinner

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