Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Favorite POP Sugar Workout Videos

POP Sugar Fitness is my go-to website when I'm working out indoors. They have great videos from celebrity trainers and they're pretty short, usually about 10 minutes. I'll choose three different videos, targeting different areas, so I keep moving for my 30-minute burn session. Here are links to some of my favorite POP Sugar workout videos.

1. THIGHS. They call this the Victoria's Secret Model Workout. Holy moly, your legs will be burning and your booty will hurt for days ... until you get used to do it.

2. ALL-OVER. "Blast Away Belly Fat" is the title of this video. Me-oh-my, it works me over! CAN'T.BREATHE.

3. ARMS. This one is a killer 10 minute arm toning session from Kelly Rippa's personal trainer. Have you seen Kelly's arms? Um, yes please!

4. ABS. I get tired of doing sit-ups for my ab workout, so this changes things up. It's not too intense, but still gets the job done.

5. CARDIO. This last link is for 10-minute cardio. It's fairly simple, but you do still sweat a little. Use this one for your easy or short days when you're running low on time.

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