Monday, March 31, 2014

How to Sprout Chia

Chia seeds have great nutritional value, and so do the sprouts! Use them on sandwiches, salads, in smoothies, and more. We think they are tastier than alfalfa! Here's a link to purchase the chia seeds from Amazon. Seeds are available at most grocery stores, and we like to buy them in bulk from Sprouts. Here's how I sprouted our chia seeds:
Put rocks in the bottom of your dish for drainage. Be sure the bottom has holes for extra water to escape.
We used regular flower & vegetable garden soil and put it on top of the rocks.

We use the Spectrum brand of Chia seeds for planting.
For faster sprouts, soak the seeds in water first. I added a small layer without soaking to the top of the dirt. After you're done putting the seeds on top, water and place in a window sill, or outside where it will get a moderate amount of sun.
Continue to water the seeds once daily. Here are the sprouts after 7 days.

Sprouts after 15 days! Lush and beautiful!

Ready for eating! Cut the sprouts close to the dirt and rinse. Only trim what you need,  they can be stored in the fridge.

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