Tuesday, September 17, 2013

8 Reasons for an AM Workout

A lifestyle and review blog
1. It's difficult to keep a regular workout schedule in the evenings because: A. You're exhausted from being at work. B. An event or dinner comes up with friends or family. C. The treadmills at the gym are full because everyone and their dog exercises in the evening. D. All of the above.

8 Reasons for an AM Workout, health and wellness
2. It starts the day off right. Sometimes it's difficult to get out of bed, but once the blood starts pumping, you don't regret it.

3. It's the only time of day when there's "extra" time, if there is such a thing. Calculate how much time you want to exercise and how long you'll need to get ready for the day. Just set an early alarm. You can do it.

4. Catch up on current events. Take a run on the treadmill and tune the TV to the morning news -- it keeps you distracted and gives you something to talk about with other humans.

5. Explore the great outdoors. An early morning workout gets you out of the house before many people are out of bed. Enjoy the quiet time, your neighborhood, or the morning sunrise.

6. Burn more fat! Working out in the morning on an empty stomach helps to burn 20% more body fat. It's science, people.

7. Sleep better at night. If you workout in the evening, it's often harder to unwind to fall asleep.

8. Exercising in the morning gives you an opportunity to double-up in the evening. Some days you may have time to fit in another workout, but that can't happen if you only schedule time in the evening.

There are plenty of reasons to get up and go early, but unless you have strong enough motivation all the reasons in the world won't get you to rise early. "I want to be healthier for my loved ones" or "I don't want to be fat" are both pretty good motivators.

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