Wednesday, September 25, 2013

As You Wish Pottery Painting

That Scratch is a good sport when it comes to trying new things. Phoenix has a little place called, As You Wish, where you can pick a piece of pottery and get your art on. I'd been wanting to try it out for a while and convinced Mr. Young to come along. Now, it's not exactly a "cheap date" but it's good for getting out of the house and trying something new.
Scratch picked a planter pot, and I chose a mug large enough for a hearty helping of my favorite hot cocoa. It was difficult to make a selection -- there's so much to choose from! The little helpers told us all we needed to know about our unlimited paints to choose from, where to find the brushes, and we got to work. Don't be embarrassed if a child out-paints you. It's not about skill here. Spend as long as you need to paint, then hand off your work to be fired and pick it up a few days later. Voila! Homemade art.

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