Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Space Savers from Pinterest

Pinterest is full of ideas for everything! Here are three ideas I utilized in our apartment, and now our home, to maximize space. Strange it all has to do with clothing ... what's a couple who likes apparel to do?
1. Put these ideas into action.
2. When you buy a pair of shoes, sell or donate a pair. Same with jeans, shirts, dresses, etc.
3. Make an effort once per week to organize, put away, refold clothing to keep your space clean.

Follow me on Pinterest HERE.

I purchased curtain rods from Ikea and lined the bottom of our apartment closet to fit shoes above and below the rods. This made a huge difference in floor space! Luckily our new home has a closet with more shelving but I still keep this idea handy just in case.
The inside of a closet door is an under utilized space. I used our coat closet as pictured for scarves. For the inside of your bedroom closet consider putting in hooks for belts, purses, swimsuits, etc.
Why did I not think of this sooner?! Folding your t-shirts and putting them on the side rather than flat opens a huge amount of space, lets you see what's available to wear, and stays folded longer. I use this tactic for my drawer of workout clothes with tanks, shorts, and sweat towels.

Click on the photos to visit the original blogs these ideas came from, and even more organization tips! 

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